Verse 2
I) Grace- basically an inclination toward. As applied in the New Testament it means “unmerited favor”. This favor is” no more hindered by sin than it is conditioned by works”, it is based solely upon the love and kindness found in the heart of the one who shows grace.
II) Peace-tranquility; calmness of heart and mind.
III) From (source of grace and peace) God- deity-note absent of article “the”, calling attention to character, what he is, not identifying (as if said “the” God).
IV) Our Father- this one who is deity is our father, both by the new birth and by adoption. These two aspects will be looked at later.
V) (the) Lord Jesus Christ definite article “the” not in Greek text, again speaking of character. (This is an example of where knowing the language can enhance the richness of the text, but it does not change the meaning) While it is true that He is the Lord and ruler of all, Paul’s intent is not to identify him but to qualify who he is. What is he? He is Lord, master, ruler, king, the one in charge.
VI) He is Jesus- Jehovah who saves.
VII) Christ- anointed, prophet (spokesman), priest (intercessor), king (ruler) this is his character, not just his identity.
Verse 3
I) Blessed- Eulogy-let the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be well spoken of.
A) Definite article (the) present in text, identifying which God is to be well spoken of. i.e. “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”
B) In verse 2, “the” was left out to bring out they are of the same character (essence), thus one. Now points out their manifestation as Father and Son. This manifestation is absolutely necessary to carry out the plan of redemption. He will later introduce the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.
II) Our Lord Jesus Christ- In verse two it was our Father, now it is our Lord Jesus Christ
A) That man who is essential deity is our Lord and master and redeemer.
III) Hath blessed- aorist tense-the punctiliar tense that speaks of an action as being completed with no reference to length of time. Whether the action took a second our a thousand years to complete is irrelevant, only the completeness of the action is considered.
A) In what sense has He spoken well of us?
1) 2 Peter 1:4- we are given exceeding great and precious promises.
2) 2 Samuel 7:18-22- Note how God had spoken well concerning David in the promises made to him.
3) Our blessing of God is in words as we extol His character.
4) God’s blessing of us is in deeds as He fulfils the promises made to us.
IV) All spiritual blessings- correspond with the new nature created in us and are truly the best blessings as they are eternal and promote joy and rewards that will make heaven sweeter.
V) In heavenly places, in Christ Jesus
A) In- locative- tells were the blessing reside
B) Heavenly- where Christ is located (Hebrews 1:3) but speak more of the character and wealth. They are in keeping with grandeur of the place from whence they are disseminated. This would include there being holy as it is a holy place with only holy residents.
C) In Christ- these blessing being secured by Christ, are made effectual by Him 1 John 2:2. He being our advocate, represents our interest before the throne and secures whatever blessings necessary to meet the weaknesses of His brethren. Therefore we can come boldly to the throne of grace to find help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16; 10:19-20.
D) Any man outside of Christ is therefore without representation, thus without hope and without God in this world. Ephesians 2:12
Ephesians- Chapter 1- Lesson 2 -Grace, Peace and Blessedness
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