Verse 6
I) To the praise of the glory of His grace…
A) Note that there is no period between verses 3-6.
So the “to the praise…” is still in keeping with, being suitable or agreeable to the blessings of verse 3. In other words the greatness of the blessing of verse 3 demands and should elicit from man the equal praise of the grace of God.
1) It is only natural that abundant praise should be uttered at the magnitude of such grace. See Revelation 5:6-14.
B) Glory- that within an object that calls forth praise.
It is as John Newton put it “Amazing Grace” that draws such sweet expressions of praise from the lips of man.
II) Wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved
A) Wherein- the grace of God hath made us accepted
B) Hath made- we have been made accepted, we did not become accepted, nor acceptable.
1) We could never become acceptable because our duty is absolute obedience of which we have already failed.
2) Added to this problem is the truth of Romans 8:7: that the carnal (Adamic) mind is not subject to the law of God nor is it possible to for it to be. It is rooted in the same “I” centeredness that Lucifer exhibited. See Isaiah 14:12-14. Note the “I wills”.
3) This is man’s basic problem, the reason he sins is that he desires his will against the will of his creator. If God would step down and bow to man’s wishes man would cease to rebel.
4) The struggle is over who will reign.
5) Therefore we must be made something we cannot become in ourselves. Romans 7:14-17, note especially Paul’s conclusion that in his flesh (the old carnal/ Adamic nature) there dwelt no good thing, though he was saved by grace and a missionary at this point of his life.
C) Accepted- not acceptable, though that is certainly true as well.
1) We are accepted “in”, Romans 3:24 – we are justified freely and therefore can stand in His presence without fear or blame.
2) Matthew 3:17 tells us Jesus is God’s beloved son and we are in that beloved son.
3) Accepted- The emphasis is not on the being fit, but rather on the desire that God has that we be in His presence. God could fit us and make us acceptable to be in heaven but still have no desire to really fellowship with us.
a) He could save us because His character demands it but not really have any affection toward us.
b) Love however demands better and how much better. Jesus says in John 17:24 that his desire was for those God gave him to be with him where he was. He is in the presence of God as His beloved Son. We are there in Him as objects of that same love!
Ephesians- Chapter 1- Lesson 4 – Accepted (Not Just Acceptable)
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