Verse 18
I) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
A) Matthew 6:22-23: the light of the body is the eye: if therefore the eye be single (clear or healthy) thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, (diseased or blind) thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! Note the last phrase is not a question.
B) 2 Corinthians 4:3-6: Men are blinded to the gospel, their eyes must be opened. It requires a miracle work of grace.
II) That ye may know what is the hope of his calling
A) Know- to know completely, understand fully. Does not want us to be ignorant of the greatness of our hope.
B) Hope- expectation; the idea of being held insecurity or with a garauntee.
C) Calling- a summons, we are summons to the gospel, those who refuse are arrained on charges for ignoring the government of heaven, those who respond are charged with the duties and priviledges of heaven.
III) And what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints
A) What the riches…, speak of the depth of beauty, the greatness of the inheritance.
B) This inheritance is said to be in the saints: this suggests two thoughts.
1) The Spirit that is the earnest bearing witness with the new man created in us thus giving (as the hymn writer express) a “fore taste of glory divine”.
2) That the saint are considered his riches, as suggested by John 17: 9-10.
Verses 19-23
These verses shall be considered as a whole.
I) The exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward (according)
A) Raised-The resurrection of Christ from the dead is the demonstration not only of His power but of His compassion, since it was for our sakes he died and rose. 2 Corinthians 5: 14 states that since one died for all we conclude that all were dead, and that he died and rose for all. This is true because God is not willing that any should perish according to 2 Peter 3:9.
B) Sat- The exaltation to God’s own right hand as a man is the next demonstration of God’s love and compassion for man. Philippians 2:9 and Hebrews 1:3-13. In Hebrews 2:14-18 we are reminded He did this because we were in bondage. Thus we have not only been delivered from bondage but made to sit with God, in Christ at his own right hand.
C) Far above- all things are under our head and as such cannot touch us (our spirit) which is in Christ. See John 10:27-30 and Romans 8:31-39.
1) Principality- from this word we get the word archaic (old), the idea of authority from long established dominion. Again Hebrews 2 says man has all his life been in bondage because of our enemy the devil.
2) Power- from this word we get the word dynamite, the energy of dynamite is inherent (from within itself). The destructive power is not exerted upon it, it only has to meet with a spark or charge for it to release its energy.
3) Might- Authority, it is like the executive power of the president. In the military arsenal lies a lot of “explosive” power, but it lies dormant until the executive power gives authority to unleash it.
4) Dominion- lordship, ruler-ship, we all come into this world as subjects of the prince of the power of the air, as shall be revealed in chapter 2.
5) And every name that is named. Just in case someone would asked, “does that include”? Paul answers the question ahead of time, mention any other name and Jesus Christ is exalted above it, whether past, present or future. Whether heaven or earth or any place that can be imagined.
II) God has put all under His Son’s feet.
A) It is a past event-Philippians 2:9; Hebrews 1: 3-13
B) It is a future revelation- 1 Corinthians 15: 24-26; Hebrews 2: 5-9.
C) It is a glorious triumph- Revelation 19: 11-21.
III) Gave him to be the head over all things.
A) Head- Superior, chief cornerstone, sum total, ultimate or crowning point. All is centered in and on him.
B) Given to the church- He is God’s gift to His redeemed people
1) To ensure they have all they need.
a) Which is his body- John 15: 1-5; as the branch is dependent on the vine for nourishment.
2) To ensure that He is appropriately honored and worshipped. Philippians 2: 10
a) He is the fullness of God and must be worshipped as such.