Verse 4
I) But-here marks a change in their walk, in their conversation. They were one thing but now there has been a change.
God- here is the author or originator of that change.
This change was not a result of evolution to a high state of consciousness but was brought about by an outside force or person.
II) Who is rich in mercy- note the cause was not originated by any good or merit of those changed. The interruption of their destructive way was found in the concern and benevolence of another.
A) Mercy can only be shown to someone who is guilty and underserving, otherwise the favor shown is justified or earned.
B) Rich, this describes the depth of God’s mercy. He not only showed mercy to the civil or moral, but to the vilest of mankind.
1) Romans 5: 8 and 10, But God commendeth his toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
a) Reconciled- the bringing together of two opposed parties
b) Saved- rescued from destruction, restored to a safe and favorable condition.
The richness of God’s mercy is seen in his willingness to restore us to a position of fellowship and favor, when he could simply have decided to keep us out of hell and then left us out of his companionship.
III) For his great love, wherewith he loved us.
A) For, not simply because. “For” implies that God had a longing that he desired to fulfill. This was not some obligation love placed upon him, but a deep desire that had he not filled, he himself would have a vacancy in his own heart. If we can have an emptiness in our heart when a loved one passes away, how much more the one John describes when he says “God is love”. 1 John 4: 8
B) Wherewith- according to
1) It is interesting to me that God never says that he is love. John looking at the evidence from his experience with the Son of God concludes that God the Father is love.
2) It is also interesting that the word “so” in John 3:16 has nothing to do with amount but with manner. In other words, God in this manner loved the world, by giving his only begotten Son. We are left to conclude from this event that he is love, thus arriving at the greatness of his love by way in which he displayed it.
Verse 5
Even when we were dead in sins.
A) So far back as the Garden of Eden, When the first pair sinned, God made the first step. Adam and Eve hid themselves, it was God who called out to the sinful pair.
B) In the parables of Luke 15, it was always someone (God) seeking something lost (man). You might say the prodigal went back home of his own accord. No he was forced by need and drawn by provision. He knew in his father’s house was enough and he was going back to sell himself into his father’s service. It was the father who was looking for his return, who saw him when he was a great way off and who ran to meet him with the intent to restore him.
C) See again Romans 5: 8-10.
Verse 6
I) Note three things that are said to have happened at salvation, starting in verse 5 (the sentence starts in verse 4 and continues until the end of verse 7).
A) We are quickened – made alive, were as we were dead, separated from God by trespasses and sins.
B) We are raised- we had been buried. See Romans 6: 1-10
C) We are seated- according to 1: 3 and this verse in heavenly places. Christ is seated at the right hand of his Father, waiting until God makes his enemies his footstool. 1 Corinthians 15 and Hebrews 1.
D) We are “quickened together” and “raised up together” with and “seated together” in Christ. These are positional truths, we have not experienced full effects of these things though we may know them in part.
1 John 3: 2-3, Beloved now are we the sons of God, and it doth not appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
Thus position of which we have not fully attained to affects the way we live experientially.
Verse 7
I) That in the ages to come
A) That- for the purpose.
B) In the ages to come- tell us that in eternity, when all shall be restored to God, his work pleasure in and for us will not diminish.
II) He might shew the riches of his grace
A) He might shew- Why did he save us with such a great salvation? He had something he wanted to express.
B) That something was the richness, depth, vastness of his grace.
III) In his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus
A) How will he show the depth of his grace? Through kindness
B) Through Christ Jesus- It is this man and the sacrifice and keeping power that we will continually realize the greatness of the love of verse 4.
The particulars are still to come, we shall see all that he has done for us in Christ as we proceed.