Jude 3 tells us that Jude realized it was needful to exhort his readers to stand up and battle false doctrine. I have been disturbed lately about what I find people do not know about their Bible. I pastor a Baptist church and it shocks me that people do not know why they are Baptists. I am with the preacher who said, when asked what he would be if he where not a Baptist, he replied I’d be ashamed! You say why? Because I believe what Baptist historically have stood for is closest to what I understand the Scripture teaches. It amazes me that people who are not Baptist will not take your tract, saying I’m (whatever stripe they happen to be of), and then criticize us as being narrow-minded. I am narrow-minded! So was Jesus, he was the one who said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, and know man cometh unto the Father but by me”. He also said the way was straight and narrow, and he is that narrow way. I am not saying you have to be a Baptist to go to heaven, I know a lot of Baptist who do not show any evidence of going, they live contrary to what they say they believe. What I am saying is that it is high time people learn that what you believe is of the utmost importance. We live in a nation that uses the phrase “people of faith”; faith cannot get you to heaven if it is in the wrong object. Most people’s faith is in their faith or their denomination or their works. None of these will do, your faith must be in Jesus Christ and his atoning blood alone. Is that being narrow-minded or just being honest? Is saying that the Scripture says “hereby we know that we know him, if we keep his commandments”, being narrow-minded? Can a man be right with God and lay out of church contrary to the Word of God that says we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together? Can we truly worship God from our tree stand or fishing boat as good as we can at church? Not if the church is assembling and you have chosen not to be there. Let me ask you: do you know what you believe? Do you know what your church believes and why they believe it? You had better know, your eternal destiny depends on what you believe, be sure you are on the right path and if you are earnestly contend for it!