Verse 13
I) Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you.
A) Paul was not looking for sympathy
B) Paul did not mention his afflictions to warn them to be cautious.
C) Paul did want them to understand that what he suffered was in the manifold wisdom of God that which was best for them.
II) Which is your glory.
A) The fact that God would allow his choice servant to be imprisoned for their benefit displayed their worth.
B) John 17: 6-15, note the things Jesus said he did for those the Father loved and considered an honor to give to his Son as a bride. Gems are only as valuable as the price someone is willing to pay for it.
Verse 14
I) For this cause I bow my knees.
A) What cause? The church revealed in chapter 2 and the wisdom and glory of God that is revealed in it. Men of this world may miss it; many church people may miss it (as evidenced in how unfaithful they are to its attendance). Paul did not miss it, rather he bowed his need in adoration that God would do such a thing.
II) Unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
A) Unto- Idea of facing. Paul was conscious that God was looking at him as he was bowing toward the face of God.
1) Are we aware that that God is actually looking and interested in our prayers.
2) Are we aware that we are actually talking to a God who is watching us at our prayers.
B) In our worship it is important that God the Father is as much to be praised for giving such a gift as the Son is for purchasing such a gift. The sweet Holy Ghost is to be praised for revealing and making it manifest in our lives.
Verse 15
I) Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. The fatherhood of God in this sense is only applicable to creation. See Job 38: 6-7 where angels are called the sons of God.
Verse 16
Now begins a prayer for the Ephesian believers. (Colossians1: 9-14)
I) That he would grant you.
What is about to be asked for does not come by work, study or privilege but as a gift from a kind Father. Matthew 7: 11 and James 1: 17.
II) According to the riches of his glory.
In keeping with his vast, endless supply.
III) To be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.
A) To be strengthened with might. Not by might, but with might, speaking of the ability of God the indwelling power of the Spirit. John 14: 12.
B) In the inner man. This is where the strengthening takes place, where the power is deposited. John 14: 19.
Verse 17
I) That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
A) Dwell- not visit from time to time, as God di Abraham when he came in the cool of the day, but continually. He wants to take up permanent residence and feel at home there. John 15: 5-8.
B) In your hearts- 1 Corinthians 6: 19, says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Now Paul says as in the Holiest part of that temple (as in Solomon’s) let Christ sit in all his glory upon the mercy seat (heart).
C) By faith- In Hebrews 11, every act of obedience was in response to a word from God. Each act in assurance that the love, faithfulness and wisdom of God would provide the needed strength and supply. Now Paul says in like manner trust God to rule from your heart and as Jesus put in John 15, bring forth much fruit, God will bring forth what you and I cannot produce.
II) That ye, being rooted and grounded in love.
A) Rooted- again note the reference to the vine. We are to have deep roots. Psalm 1:3 speaks of the man whose delight in God’s word saying, he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. The idea being, having been thus planted where plenty of water and nourishment are, he is fruitful.
B) Grounded- Having a firm foundation, he is unshakable.
In Jude 13, the writer speaks of false teachers as raging waves of the sea. The idea being that during a storm they are as the waves that crash with thunderous noise and spewing foam upon the rocks of the coast as the will consume all. Yet when the winds subside and the froth vanishes, there are the rocks undisturbed by the violence of the storm.
C) In love- 1 John 4: 17-19. These verse begin with having boldness and end with we love him because he first loved us. In the middle is perfect love casteth out all fear. If we know that someone truly loves us, then we are always confident that whatever they do, it is for our best. Now we have a God of manifold wisdom and power who loves us with a perfect love. Now let us respond in kind, with perfect, unquestioning trust in that love and love him in kind.