Verse 18
I) May be able to comprehend with all saints.
A) It appears the comprehending depends upon being rooted and grounded.
1) Romans 10: 17; John 15: 7 and Psalm 1 all suggest a link between faith and the Word of God.
2) There is that same link in Ephesians 2: 8 and that not of yourselves. While this phrase speaks of the afore mentioned salvation, not faith; faith had to produced by the Word of God, as man is unwilling to believe unless God builds the evidence against him.
3) Unless convinced by the Word of God of his condition and peril, he will not repent and turn to God.
4) It is not that man cannot believe until God gives him faith, but that he will not believe until God backs him into a corner where he must face the facts.
B) Be able… with all saints.- This should give hope to all
1) This which is about to be asked can be comprehended
2) It can be comprehended by every saint. The limit not being based on the whim of God, but the willingness of the saint.
II) What is the breath, and length, and depth, and height. See Romans 8: 31-39.
Verse 19
I) And to know the love of Christ that passeth knowledge.
A) Know- by experience, not just facts. God wants us to experience all we read of his love.
B) Passeth knowledge- This love is said to pass our ability to comprehend it. If it sounds too good to be true, its because God is so much greater that our minds can fathom. 1 Corinthians 2: 9-16.
II) That ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
A) We have all the fullness of God in the Holy Ghost, Jesus spoke of another Comforter. The idea of another is, another of the same type. The third person of the Trinity, embodying all the same attributes.
B) Colossians 1: 19 and 2: 9 says that all the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ. Compare this to Romans 8: 9-11 and John 15: 7 and 13- 15.
C) Now that we have the fullness of God, yield to Him (grieve not the Holy Spirit, which ye have of God. Ephesians 4: 30).
Verse 20
I) Now (present tense) unto him. (Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family is named – here begins a section on praise.
II) That is able- of sufficient power, wisdom and grace.
III) To do- accomplish all of which Paul had just prayed on their behalf.
1) Exceeding abundantly above- to super abound. The same idea is found in Romans 5: 20b, But where sin did abound, grace did MUCH MORE abound.
2) All that we ask or think- 1 Corinthians 2: 9-10.
IV) According to the power that worketh in us.
1) According- in keeping with
2) Power- ability
3) That worketh- (Continually) Philippians 1: 6.
Verse 21
I) Unto him be glory in the church.
A) Hebrews 10: 25 the assembling of ourselves.
B) Ephesians 5: 32-33- the bride of Christ
II) By Christ Jesus- cannot worship God apart from his Son.
I John 2: 22-23
III) Throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Never in this life or in eternity will this not be true. Revelation 4 and 5 find all worshipping the Lamb of God, Philippians 2: 9-11, God will see that all bow the knee and confess…