Verses 7-10
I) Unto every one of us- God is no respecter of persons, therefore all saints receive alike.
II) Grace is given according to a measure- That measure is the gift of Christ Romans 10: 32
III) Gave gifts unto men- Psalm 68: 18
A) Received gifts for men- with idea of being received to distribute to others. The gifts were not for himself.
IV) Descended first- Luke 23: 43 in Paradise, not heaven.
V) Then ascended- seated now on God’s right hand Hebrews 1: 3.
Verse 11-16
I) And he gave- gifts unto the church in the form of gifted men
A) Apostles- ones sent with authority, a commission. Among Jews one sent into distant providences to see that law was observed.
B) Prophets- ones who fore see and fore tell. Some men have the ability to see events on the horizon and warn others of consequences if the direction is not changed.
C) Evangelists- men with abilities in stirring up church, especially in the area of soul winning.
D) Pastors and teachers- note the lack of semi-colon until after teachers. Idea of second modifying the first: pastors, even teachers or teaching shepherds. I Peter 5: 1-3, cf Ezekiel 34: 2-31
II) For- the purpose of the gifted men.
A) Perfecting of the saints- idea of bringing to a desired goal. God’s goal is stated in:
1) Romans 8: 29
2) 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-7
B) Work of the ministry- the accomplishing of a task, the service of the gospel of Christ
C) Edifying of the body of Christ- edifying is the building up, strengthening.
1) Look again at Ezekiel 34 and I Peter 5.
III) Till- for how long will the gifted men be needed?
A) Till we all come in the unity of the faith. AND
B) The knowledge of the Son of God. Experiential knowledge. Likeness
C) Unto a perfect man- One not needing any more work, complete in every aspect.
D) Measure/ stature of fullness of Christ. Romans 8:29
IV) That- the need for he gifted men.
A) That we be no more children. Hebrews 5: 11-14
B) That we be no more tossed- Hurled and vacillating, confused and mislead. 1 Timothy 4: 1-3.
1) By every wind of doctrine- changing constantly. Galatians 1: 6; 2 Timothy 4: 1-5.
2) By sleight of men- artful trick; dexterity, able to go both ways
3) Cunning craftiness- Sly, sneaky Jude 16
4) Lay in wait to deceive 2 Timothy 3: 6
C) But- as opposed to being deceived
1) Speaking the truth in love
a) Speaking the truth- word of God John17: 17
b) In love- how it is to be spoken Colossians 4: 6
D) May grow up into him in all things. Maturity
A) Christ is the head- leadership, ruler
B) Church is the body- obeys head
C) John 15: 1-8 As branch receives nourishment from vine so Church from Christ.
D) When all done properly body is able to build itself up.