Verse 17- 19
I) This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord
A) I say- state as a matter of teaching
B) Testify- in the Lord, not of the Lord. This is seems to suggest Paul knew that he had the witness of God backing or giving authority to what he is about to tell them.
II) That ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles.
This states the purpose of the previous instruction about the gifts. It does not suggest that the Ephesians had up to this point been walking as he will describe and now he is commanding them to stop. It would rather clarify why they walked as they did “faithfully” as described in Chapter 1, verse 1.
III) How do the Gentiles, heathen, lost walk?
A) In the vanity of their mind. Vanity means emptiness, as unprofitable; figuratively= transientness; morally= depravity.
The idea being their thoughts as to righteousness is ever-changing and not build upon a fixed foundation.
Modern day morals depend on the situation, and no set unchangeable Doctrine.
B) Having their understanding darkened.
1) Jeremiah 17: 9, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
2) Lost men do not believe this, modern religionist do not believe it. They believe there is a spark of good in every man, and if kindle by understanding and kindness man will blossom into a kind, gentle creature and play fair with all men.
3) Though it did not work with Hitler and countless other despots and is not working with Islam either, modernist still preach love, understand and inclusiveness.
C) Being alienated from the life of God. John 1: 4 states that in Christ alone is life, and that this life was the light of men. Until Christ comes in and illuminates the desperately wicked heart, man cannot come to right conclusions about the righteousness of God and how to govern rightly.
Colossians 1: 21 states we were all in this condition at one time, until reconciled by the death of Christ and our turning to him.
D) Through the ignorance that is in them. This ignorance is not a lack of knowledge, but a willful ignore. Consider the following references: John 3: 19; Romans 1: 18-32; Colossians 1:21. In each the alienation is due to wicked works which man practices despite the warnings of God against them.
1) This is exactly why men want every reference to the Ten Commandments removed from all public property, they do not want to be reminded of what the know God says.
E) Because of the blindness of their heart. Why are they blind?
2 Corinthians 4: 3 tells us because Saran has pulled a hood over their eyes, just as he did Eve and said surely it will not be as God has said. Men willfully believe this lie, because to disbelieve it would mean they will have to part with sin they love so dearly.
F) Who being past feeling.
1) Man is born with a conscience, an inner compass that God has programmed in his image. Men do not come into this world an atheist that is a learned trait. Refer again to Romans 1:18-32.
2) Hebrews 10; 1-3 tells us that man’s conscience will trouble him if his sins are not purged, taken away. His was the shortcoming of the Levitical system of sacrifices, it could only cover sin and each year they were rehearsed and covered for another year. Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away sin, where they will never be brought up again.
3) Those past feeling have hardened themselves against the against the uneasy feeling that the guilty conscience brings as to throw the moral compass out of whack, so that it can no longer be trusted to give proper guidance. While the conscience cannot bring salvation, man cannot be saved without it, for he will no longer feel the convicting power of the Holy Ghost. See 1 Timothy 4: 1-3; 2 Timothy 3: 1-9 and Romans 1: 18-32.
G) Having given themselves over. They willfully surrendered to the enemy and his practices.
1) Unto lasciviousness-Looseness; irregular indulgence of animal desires; wantonness; lustfulness. Pretty much describes America today. From TV to music (country, rap or rock) to people’s conversations at work or restaurants, it’s almost unescapable.
2) To work all uncleanness (moral). Read again Romans 1:18-32 and 2 Timothy 3: 1-7.
3) With greediness, see 1 Timothy 6: 6-10. This is a lesson Christians really need to learn anew.
Verse 20
But ye have not so learned Christ.
How do we learn Christ? Psalm 19: 7-10.
Verse 21
I) If so be that ye have heard him, not heard of him.
It is one thing to hear about him and something totally different to have him speak to you and for you to heed what he has said.
II) And have been taught by him.
Obedience is the badge of heeded instruction. Who was it that Jesus said were his disciples and friends, but those who obeyed him. John 8:31; John 15: 14.
III) As the truth is in Jesus. John 8: 32 Jesus told those same Jews that believed on him that they would know the truth and the truth would set them free. Free from what, if not the bondage to sin and Satan which Paul has just pointed out of the Gentiles without Christ.
Verse 22
I) That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man.
A) We are to put off concerning our former matter of life “the old man”. That Adamic nature in which we entered the world, in Romans 8: 1-8 is titled the “flesh”. The source of the deeds practiced by the lost world.
B) This flesh is to be put off because it is corrupt, according to it deceitful lust.
Ephesians- Chapter 4- Lesson 3- Verses 17-22
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