Verse 30
I) And grieve not the holy Spirit of God.
A) Grieve- to cause pain of mind, to wound or cause sorrow to the feelings. To
hurt the heart of someone.
B) The holy Spirit
1) holy is not capitalized, speaking of the nature, not the person.
2) Spirit is capitalized, referring to the third person of the Godhead.
C) of God- though He is God, He is given to believers as a gift to their
weakness, to empower them to live as God would have to us to live.
II) Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
A) Whereby- by which or through whom. Ephesians 1: 13
B) Sealed- idea of having a mark of identification.
C) Unto the day of redemption. This is what we are marked out for. The day
that God’s plan for time has run its course and he presents to His Son his
bride and the believer is ever present at his Lord’s side.
Verse 31
Let all- Remove the type and the root of each weed listed.
I) Bitterness- resentfulness, hatred, the holding of grudges.
II) wrath- violent anger, heightened form of anger.
II) anger- passion of the mind by a real or supposed wrong, usually accompanied by
a propensity to exact revenge.
III) clamour- to utter loud sounds, talk loud to be sure others (especially the
offending party) hears.
IV) malice- a disposition to injure others without cause, for mere personal
gratification or from a spirit of revenge; unprovoked spite.
Note how these words overlap in meaning. Paul does not want any area left out because of a technical translation of a word.
V) Be put away- the idea being once and for all we renounce our right to use them.
Why? Because to whom we belong and who we represent. 1 Peter 2: 21-23
Verse 32
I) And be ye kind one to another. Replace that which is removed with some else.
A) It will take work to keep the old man in check. 1 Corinthians 9: 25-27
B) Kind- gentle, not repaying evil with good. Matthew 5: 38-48
C) One another- seems to indicate that each one of us will need this not being
repaid evil for evil. Keep this in mind, it is going to arise again very shortly.
II) Tender hearted- soft hearted, one easily hurt.
A) How many keep people at a distance, lest they be hurt.
B) God invites us to draw nigh, knowing full well we will sin and hurt his heart.
James 4: 8
III) Forgiving one another- Remember the “be Kind” on to another, now forgive one
A) Why mention this unless Paul knew we would hurt one another from time
to time.
B) Do not be deceived into thinking you will ever find a church where
someone will not hurt you in some way.
C) Do not be deceived into thinking you are so spiritual as to never hurt
someone in some way.
IV) Even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
Why are we forgiven our trespasses?
A) Because someone loved us enough to pay for our sins. On account of what
He did God was willing to pardon our wrongs.
B) This being true, how much more we who imperfect ought to be willing on
the same account forgive each other.
Ephesians- Chapter 4- Lesson 5- Verses 30-32
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