Verse 15- 16
I) See then that ye walk circumspectly.
A) Circumspectly= cautiously, with watchfulness.
1) The tense being, be constantly taking heed.
2) 1 Peter 5: 8 Be sober, be vigilant, why? Because the devil is constantly lurking about for a chance to spring upon and devour you.
B) Not as fools, who are as the simple and pass on and are punished.
Proverbs: 22: 3.
C) But as wise, who see the danger, though not necessarily the enemy and take precaution. Proverbs 22: 3.
II) Redeeming the time.
A) Redeeming= to buy up, to save from waste.
B) Time= not referring to hours and minutes, but seasons, opportunities.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 reminds us that to everything there is a time and season.
1) To a gardener, there is a time for preparing the soil and a time to plant. If he prepares to prepare the soil before the planting season, his crops do not mature and bring forth fruit in time to ripen before the growing season ends.
2) This same truth applies to men, there are times they appear to be more receptive to reproof than at other times. We must learn to know the seasons and always be prepared to “give an answer”. 1 Peter 3: 15.
John 9: 4 the night cometh when no man can work, so take advantage of chances to give men the gospel.
C) Days evil- in opposition to that which is good and righteous.
2 Timothy 3: 1-7.
Verse 17- 18
I) Wherefore be ye not unwise. This is a prohibition against something that is already in practice. Thus, stop being unwise and change the unwise practice.
II) But understanding what the will of the Lord is.
A) Already mentioned is separation from and reproof of evil people and practices.
B) Already mentioned is walking cautiously, with guarded steps.
C) The next has to do with drinking of alcoholic beverages. This is not just a prohibition against drunkenness. It is a warning against the dangers that lie also in the process of achieving that state.
1) The phrase wherein is excess is to be applied to the process as well as the state in which the process leads.
2) The word excess has in the idea of unsavedness, there is not a saving, redeeming virtue in either process or the state.
Consider Proverbs 23: 29-35, Look not (with desire) and
Proverbs 20: 1. Wine and strong drink are deceptive, they hide the truth.
How many men have you heard say “I can quit any time I want” yet their lives be destroyed by the very thing they claim they have mastery of.
3) Drunk- intoxicated to the point of control. It is the desire state that determines the process. Thus a drunkard follows a process of selling everything he has in order to by dink that will lead to drunkenness.
III) But be filled with the Spirit.
A) Filled- saturated to the point that you cannot absorb any more. It has the same idea of control as drunk.
B) Spirit- the Holy Spirit of God. Ephesians 3: 19.
How does this filling manifest itself?
Verse 19-21
I) Speaking to yourselves (as a Christian body). This is not a personal pep talk, it’s how we are to communicate or joys of salvation with each other.
A) Psalms- religious words put to music. David’s psalms are often addressed to the chief musician.
B) Hymns are words, not necessarily put to music. The root of this word is to hum, as you think about the words you often hum a tune to carry them along.
C) Spiritual songs refers to music in general, some songs that are not religious in nature may still have good moral lessons, many are folk lore and pass on history. These 3 divisions are not to be considered as separate but as one main thought.
D) Singing and making melody in your heart. The singing to one another springs from a song residing in the heart. It is not a performance, but an expression of something within.
This is why we do not applaud when people sing, but say amen. We are not rewarding them for entertaining us well (as worldly performances) but something within us ought to agree and say “AMEN”. When these words are said the singer knows he/ she has struck a familiar chord with the listener.
This is one way we pass on our joys and praise to fellow believers
II) Giving thanks always, for all things.
A) Giving thanks- saying thank you, expressing gratitude.
B) All things is to be understood by the context of which it is given.
1) Note in this epistle there is no mention of trail and persecution, though we not it was present from history and the warning to walk circumspectly.
2) If not referring to the trials, then the reference would be to all the blessing of which he has spoken. Thus we are to give thanks for all the blessings that allow us to face the trials and still sing.
C) To God the Father, here is the source, provider of all the blessings.
D) In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, here is the securer of the blessings.
The Father has a storehouse full of blessings, abundant to the needs of his children, Jesus Christ is the key to that storehouse, bring the proper key and you will find the door will always open to you. John 16: 23- 28.
III) Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God
A) Submitting- is the idea of a military unit falling in ranks, gathering up in battle positions under the command of one head. It is a voluntary idea.
B) One another- is the idea of others first, see Philippians 2: 3. The main thrust being there is no room for self- exertion or self- promotion. It is a sweet reasonableness, easily to be entreated.
See 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and James 3: 17.
C) Fear of God- this is the realm. It is not a wholesale surrendering of all rights, but that which lies within the bounds of God’s Word.