Verse 3-4
I) But- now comes a list of things not suitable as a child/ follower of God. Things not
in keeping with the character of His son.
A) Fornication- we get our word pornography.
B) All uncleanness- Just in case it’s morally questionable and does not fall
under the technical term of fornication.
C) Let it not be once named among you. Don’t entertain the thought for a
D) Filthiness- Corruption, pollution, defilement by sin, these seem to especially
be directed to the morals of man.
E) Foolish talking- In Scripture, wicked, sinful; acting without regard to divine
law and glory; proceeding from depravity.
F) Jesting- joking, talking for diversion or merriment.
Note: Foolish talking and Jesting are qualified by the phrase “which are not convenient”. Which means suitable, proper, adapted to use or wants. It is not a condemnation of all humor.
G) Giving of thanks- This is to put in place of the things removed.
Verse 5
I) For this we know- by
II) That: now comes another list of sins which evidence a man is outside of God’s
A) Whoremonger- one who practices lewdness
B) Unclean person- in a moral sense. See note for verse 3 B.
C) Covetous- who is an idolater. What a man cannot be content without is the
thing he most worships.
Verse 6
I) Let no man deceive you with vain words.
A) It has been the practice since Satan introduce the lie to Eve, that God is to
loving to really punish a man to the extent threatened.
B) Does this not still happen with false religions that hold out hope in
Purgatory, nor those who teach that God has somehow changed his mind
about certain sins in our modern times.
II) Because of these things….
John 3: 36; Psalm 7: 11-16; 9: 17; 11: 1-7.
A) Men reap the result in this life through prison, disease, marital strife, wars,
B) Men will reap the full reward in the Lake of Fire.
Verse 7
Be not therefore partakers with them.
A) As Israel of old who lost the blessings of God and enjoyment of the Promised Land.
2 Chronicles 36: 15-21. Still God’s chosen people but in captivity, slaves because
of sin.
B) As children who endure discipline of a loving father for disobedience.
Hebrews 12: 5-13
Verse 8
I) For ye were sometimes darkness
A) As in darkness, blinded by Satan, in his dark kingdom. 2 Corinthians 4: 3 and
Colossians 1: 13.
B) As in being darkness- in leading others in or treacherous paths. See next
point .
II) But now ye are light in the Lord.
A) Ye are- Matthew 5: 14- we are not to act as light, but seeing our nature is
now changed, we are now what we once were not.
B) In the Lord- We are not light because of our conduct but because of our
new standing. The lamps in the Tabernacle shined because the High Priest
lit them and kept the wick trimmed and supplied with oil.
III) Walk as children of light- Children of darkness walk in keeping with their nature.
We are to walk keeping with our new nature.
Verse 9
For the fruit of the Spirit…..
I) This verse takes us back to the previous verse, in that it reveals the source
of the three qualities mentioned.
II) Our good works of Matthew 5 and Ephesians 2: 10 are not the product of
the hottest selling self-help book, but a fruit of the Unseen Guest (Holy
Ghost) dwelling in us.
Verse 10
Proving what is acceptable to the Lord.
I) Demonstrating, supplying convincing evidence.
II) What is acceptable?
A) What is acceptable? The offering and sacrifice of God’s own dear Son.
B) How is this evidenced?
1) Genesis 3: 21- God made coats of skins.
Adams works of fig leafs was not acceptable to cover his nakedness in the sight of God, though it had been enough for he and Eve. Thus the principle of the necessity of the shedding of blood for the remission of sin.
2) Genesis 4: 1-5- God had respect unto Abel offering of blood but not to the works of Cain’s hands. Again evidencing the law of the shedding of blood for the remission of sin.
a) Abel went away with God’s respect and with peace.
b) Cain went away without God’s respect and with no peace, which showed itself in the murder of Abel.
3) In the same sense our fruit of good works prove that the offering of Christ was acceptable to God, being rewarded with the gift of the Spirit to indwell and empower the saint to live above the plain of life on which the unsaved live.
a) What is acceptable to God is a life of faith in His Son.
b) What is acceptable to God is the fruit that life of faith produces. John 15: 2
Verse 11
I) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.
A) Fellowship- the child’s definition of two men in a boat is a good illustration
of this idea. Two men aboard a ship may have two different destinations,
but no one knows that until they part company because they are both
travelling in the same direction. We are not to be walking in the same
direction as those that are lost. Those whose desire and destination is
Heaven ought not be walking as in the same direction as those headed to
B) Unfruitful works of darkness- Kind produces after kind, therefore the lost
man’s works produces no fruit to the glory and honor of God. It yields not
the peaceable fruits of righteousness, but rather genders strife.
II) But rather reprove them.
A) Rather- In place of walking with them.
B) Reprove- Rebuke, warn, oppose them.
Verse 12
For it a shame even to speak of those things done of them in secret. This I think is
perfectly clear. Our talk is to be well guarded. Remember God forbid Israel to even
mention the names of other gods.
Ephesians- Chapter 5- Verses 3-12, Things Unbecoming Saints
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