Ephesians- Chapter 2- Lesson 3- Verses 8-10- Saved By Grace

Verse 8 I) Wherein He hath abounded toward us A) This verse is preceded by the semicolon at the end of verse 7. The semicolon replacing the conjunction “and”. 1) Paul has introduced in verse 7, that which demonstrated the “glory” of God’s grace.  Not just grace but the glory, greatness, magnificence of… Continue reading

Ephesians- Chapter 1- Lesson 7- Dispensations, Fullness of time and Trusting

Verse 10 I) That in the dispensation of the fullness of times= the administration of a household. A) In different ages God chose to reveal himself in different manners. 1) Before the flood God seems to have revealed himself to men on a more individual bases.  Trace the Godly line… Continue reading

Ephesians- Chapter 1- Lesson 6- Wisdom, Prudence and the Mystery of God’s Will

Verse 8 I) Wherein He hath abounded toward us A) This verse is preceded by the semicolon at the end of verse 7. The semicolon replacing the conjunction “and”. 1) Paul has introduced in verse 7, that which demonstrated the “glory” of God’s grace.  Not just grace but the glory,… Continue reading