Ephesians- Chapter 2- Lesson 3- Verses 8-10- Saved By Grace

Verse 8 I) Wherein He hath abounded toward us A) This verse is preceded by the semicolon at the end of verse 7. The semicolon replacing the conjunction “and”. 1) Paul has introduced in verse 7, that which demonstrated the “glory” of God’s grace.  Not just grace but the glory, greatness, magnificence of… Continue reading

Ephesians- Chapter 2- Lesson 2- But God

Verse 4 I) But-here marks a change in their walk, in their conversation. They were one thing but now there has been a change. God- here is the author or originator of that change. This change was not a result of evolution to a high state of consciousness but was brought… Continue reading

Ephesians- Chapter 1- Lesson 2 -Grace, Peace and Blessedness

Verse 2 I) Grace- basically an inclination toward. As applied in the New Testament it means “unmerited favor”. This favor is” no more hindered by sin than it is conditioned by works”, it is based solely upon the love and kindness found in the heart of the one who shows… Continue reading