Psalm 2:10
Let me deal with two words in this Psalm that would save so many marriages if they were only used. These words are “wise” and “instructed”. I have listened to so many as they described the problems they were having in their marriage and thought over and over how simple these problems would be to solve if these two words were applied to the issues. I recently read in a commentary on this Psalm that it is always wise to be willing to be instructed. Yet how few are! Most people will let their marriage fail rather let than apply these words. How many refuse to take counsel to save their marriage because they feel it’s all the fault of their mate. If they would just get their act together, things would be alright. Let me say that I can only recall one perfect person and He ended up being crucified because He was a trouble-maker. Why? because He exposed the weaknesses in others. It may be that your mate’s weaknesses expose your own. These may be selfishness, intolerance, nitpickiness, etc. Here is the main point I want to get across: if we are not willing to seek and heed counsel to try and save a marriage we vowed to keep till “death do us part”, we have lied to God and those witnesses before whom we made the vows. Now let me ask you, are you wise or a fool? Are you willing to be instructed or do you insist that only the other has a problem?
Let me make one more observation for parents. Your child is not perfect either. Are you willing and wise enough to see when you cannot make an impartial judgment? Are you wise enough to encourage your children to work at and be willing to seek wise counsel about their marriage problems? You may not be the wisest counsel because so many times we do not want to admit the truth about our children because it may be a reflection on us.
The truth is, marriage is hard because people are not perfect; don’t make it harder by not being willing to be instructed. Let me ask again; are you wise or a fool?