Veterans Day Thought

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.                                                                                                                                             1 Timothy 6: 12

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:                                                2 Timothy 4: 7

I truly believe that it is important to that our veterans for the sacrifices they have made for our freedoms.  I am proud to have served myself, and if truth be told I considered it an honor to be allowed that privilege.  I am grateful for every man or woman who loves this great nation of ours and desires to protect it. So to all veterans, thank you and Happy Veterans Day!

I am also thankful for all the faithful soldiers of the Cross, who have set a example for me to follow in.  I could name many, but those names would probably not mean anything to you.  To me however, these are dear people and I am greatly benefitted by having known them.  I hope that like they, one day someone will remember me and say, “he was a good soldier of Jesus Christ”.  We who are saved are part of the greatest army to ever exist and are guaranteed to come out victorious.  So fellow soldier, let me encourage you to be faithful and stand firm in your service for our heavenly Master, it truly will be worth it all one glad day.


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