Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19: 14
I wonder sometimes how much we really give thought to this or similar verses in Scripture? In the past few months I have heard preachers use some words that my mother would have washed my mouth out with soap for using. I have heard people say “pastor so and so, is progressive” then go on to say they don’t mind telling dirty jokes. Somehow this does not seem to be what I think of, when I think of the Lord Jesus. It just doesn’t seem to fit the one of whom it is said, “people marveled at the graciousness of his words”. Nor does it seem to keep in line with the commandment of his apostles to not let any filthy communication proceed out of our mouths. Its hard to believe the meditation of our hearts is acceptable and if ours words be offensive. After all, it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. At least that’s the way Jesus put it. I know people will say “you are just old fashion”, or “you have no right to judge”. The problem is I am not judging, I am reading. If God says its wrong , its wrong; whether the times have changed or not. Why would a Christian want to use questionable language anyway? If you think , well we’ve got to communicate with them on their level, what do you do with the Scripture that says, we are to come out from among them and be separate? What do you do with be ye holy and such were some of you, but now….? It appears we want to think, act and speak like the world; and then wonder why they do not receive our message. Instead of letting men tell you how you have to speak in order to reach others, why not ask God if your meditation and speech is acceptable to Him? He is the one we will give account to, even for every idle word. If trying to ensure my language is pure is old fashion, then label me so, but at least that is one less thing I will have to give an account of. I intend to keep it pure! I certainly hope if you are in the habit of using four letter words or their equivalent, or telling off color jokes, you will think seriously about it and repent of it. Let’s be examples of righteousness and purity, in thought, word and deed.