Christmas 2021

Wow! Another year has quickly sped by.  It amazes me how time seems to pick up pace the older I get.  It has been a trying year in many ways, so much turmoil and bad news.  Yet for the child of God these are also exciting times. When you look around and see so much of what the Bible declares will come to pass in the latter days taking shape we should remember our Lord is coming soon.   It should also be a challenge to us to work more diligently, for their are many who are not prepared for his coming.  So let me encourage you if you are saved to work for the night is coming and the day of giving account of our stewardship is near.  if you are not saved let me encourage you to accept God’s great gift of eternal life, for the day of judgment for sin is also at hand and we are not promised tomorrow.

Let me also wish all who read this post a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a New Year filled with the blessings of God.

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