Ephesians- Chapter 4- Lesson 4- Verses 23- 29

Verse 23
I) And be renewed- made new again
II) In the spirit of your mind- Paul has revealed the thought patterns and corresponding practices of the undegenerated (lost) man.  Now he tells men with new hearts to retrain their thought patterns to match the new creature they have become. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6
A) Christians are people with new hearts but old heads.  We are accustomed to walking as other (lost men have walked), now we are commanded to think Biblically, reason and act Biblically.
B) Spirit- Not just the thoughts but the attitude.  Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, it is the attitude of the heart that controls the actions that spring from it.  God not only wants our actions right but the motives behind them right as well.
Verse 24
I) And that ye put on the new man.
A) And- God is not looking for a negative in refraining from something, but a positive in putting something in the place of what is removed.
B) The new man- This is what is to be put in place of the negative (sinful, fleshly) attitude and practices removed.
1) 2 Corinthians 5: 17- The new creature- new in respect to nature, not age.
2) 2 Peter 2: 22- The dog and the sow both exhibit certain traits because that is their nature.
3) Sheep do not exhibit these traits because they have a different nature.
4) The new man has a different nature than the old man and therefore his works (traits) will be different.
5) Therefore adorn the body, which is God’s (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20) with the traits of that new nature, which you have of God.
II) Which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
A) After God- in the pattern/ likeness.
1)  In creation man was created in the image of God, as to personality.
2) He was created innocent with the potential to holiness or sinfulness, depending on how he responded to the test God gave him.
3) In regeneration, the new birth he is created in the image of God as to his nature.
B) The new man is created after God’s own nature.
1)  In righteousness- not in just right actions, but right in motive as well.  It is this motive of the heart that makes everything God does correct.
2) True holiness- Separation from all that is truly or perceived to be evil.  God not only refrains from the practice of evil but cannot tolerate its presence.
Verse 25
I) Wherefore- For this cause, seeing this is true.
II) Putting away lying- The practice (once and for all) of not only refraining from
telling lies but hating the practice of lying.
III) Speak every man truth with his neighbor.
A) Note it does not say “the” truth, though that certainly ought to be the case.
B) John 17: 17 tells us God’s word is truth.
Take this thought back to verse 23 and “being renewed in the spirit of your
mind”.  So speak every man with his neighbor from a mind guided by the
Word of God.
C) Whereas our minds used to be guided by the deceitful lust of our
desperately wicked hearts, now they are to have a new guiding
principle and document.
IV) For we are members one of another.
A) This takes us back to the one new man, being neither Jews nor Gentiles.
B) 1 Timothy 3: 15- The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth.
C) The Church is the body of Christ (Colossians 1: 18).  It was to the church
that the truth was given to be preached in all the world.
D) God has ordained that if men are going to find truth today, they will do so
through the church.  People who minimumize the church are speaking
against the Lord and His bride.
Verse 26
I) Be ye angry and sin not.
A) It is surprising how many people think being angry is a sin.
B) Matthew 5: 22- Anger is not a sin unwarranted anger is.
II) Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.
A) Here is a warning against not dealing with anger quickly.
B) Here is a warning against holding grudges and letting things fester.
Verse 27
Neither give place to the Devil.
I) Don’t give him any room in which to take up residence.
II) Don’t give any standing room beside you where he might be close enough to
whisper in your ear.
Verse 28
I) Let him that stole steal no more.
Here is the negative to stop a practice.
II) But rather let him labour.
Here is the positive, earn your keep by laboring.
III) Working with his hands the thing which is good.
Our labour ought to be considered an honorable thing, one aimed at the benefit
Of others.  2 Thessaloninas 3: 10-11
IV) That he may have to give to him that needeth.
A) Our labour will be sweet if we remember that which the Lord taught us, “it
is more blessed to give than to receive”.  Acts 20: 35
B) James 4: 1-3 tells us that spending all upon ourselves does not bring
happiness, but the opposite and robs us of the blessings of God.
Verse 29
I) Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.
A) Corrupt- Depraved, tainted with  wickedness, debased, impure.
B) Proceed- escape from, come forth, be spoken.  Ephesians 5: 10
II) But that which is good to the use of edifying.
A) Good- as opposed to corrupt.
B) Edifying- that which builds up, as opposed to that which tears down.
C) Go back to the thought of being members of one another, as such we
should be strengthening each other.  Proverbs 27: 17
III) That it may minister grace unto the hearers.
A) That- speaks of results, above “that which is good” speaks of the tool.
Here we have the desired result of the tool’s use.
B) Minister- to be a servant, gracious words are to be used as a servant to
obtain the purpose.  Colossians 4: 6; Titus 2: 8.
C) Unto the hearers. Revelation 2 and 3, over and over Jesus says let him that
ears to hear.  Gracious words will not help all the ears which they reach, but
they will those that hear.

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