Ephesians- Chapter 1- Lesson 3 – Chosen, Predestination and Adoption

Verse 4
I) According as he hath chosen us in him
A) According- agreeing to; harmonizing with; suitable.
1) It is only proper or fitting that the blessings agree in dignity and richness with the one by whom they are given. If given by the God of heaven, coming through his beloved Son and secured with him in the heavenlies it should come as no surprise that these blessings stagger the imagination as to the richness of the grace and mercy shone.
B) Hath chosen- aorist tense- at a point in time past, that time being before the foundation of the world
1) Who chose- God
2) Who did He choose- us, the faithful of verse one, i.e. those who had put their trust in Christ
3) Where or how did He choose- In Him (Christ)
4) How did they get in Him- Ephesians 2:8-9, by grace (the unmerited favor of God; through the avenue of faith (simple trust in the gospel of Christ). 2 Peter 3:9, God is not willing that any should perish and will save any that will come to repentance.
C) In Him- Acceptance before God is found only in the person of Christ. Note the repetition of the phrase “in Him”. 2 Corinthians 1:20 says “For all the promises of God in Him are yea…”
II) That we should be holy and without blame
A) Should be- root is first person, possessive, the idea of my/ mine. So not only holy and blameless, but these as His own.
1) Jesus, by the grace of God suffered all and gives the gifts spoken of before because God wants us and wants us to stand before Him without fear or shame.
2) As His own holy- properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense. Hence pure in heart, temper or disposition; free from sin and sinful affections.
3) As His own blameless- without fault, innocent, guiltless, not meriting censure (finding of fault).
III) Before Him in love-
A)  It is one thing for man who cannot see the heart not to find fault, but quite another to stand before He who knows the very heart of men (Jeremiah 17:9) and be found holy and blameless is something totally different.
B) Added to this standing is the fact that we stand there objects of His love. What is man that God should be mindful of him? Psalm 8:4.
Verse 5
I) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children
A) Predestinated-
1) Aorist tense- at a point in time. Still before the foundation of the world.
2) Active voice- the subject (the Father) of sentence doing the action.
3) Definition- to mark out beforehand; to design definitely, ordain beforehand.
B) Adoption of children- this is what we are marked out for.
1) Why adoption if have the new birth- Romans 8: 15 and 23.
a) Present reality- spirit of adoption
b) Future reality- new body
c) Serwaa and Konto knew they were being adopted and had some correspondence with Carrie before coming to America (spirit)  so had hope and joy from the adoption though not a reality. Then Carrie went to get them and when they landed at the airport and were taken to their new home they got to enjoy the reality of adoption.
II) By Jesus Christ- His resurrection and glorified body is the guarantee of ours 1 Corinthians 15:21.
III) To Himself- John 14:3 and 17:24, He that loves us and gave Himself for us desires that we be with Him.
IV) According to the good pleasure of His will- these blessing are in keeping with what brings Him pleasure. It is for His pleasure that He shows grace. Why, because of His great love for us, His love originating from a heart of grace and mercy and not encouraged by merit or hindered by failure.
A) His will- It is not by our will, left to ourselves we would not seek God. Romans 3:11.

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