Words of Comfort

As I enter into  the realm of posting blogs (something I never imagined) I thought about how I should approach it. I thought about all the words you read during the day. How many of these words serve any purpose in the grand scheme of life? Companies have all kinds of slogans and vision statements and yet so many times things continue as they always have. We are a nation that seems to live off cliches and slogans. Unfortunately this has crept into the church. Many sermons I have heard was one little quip after another with no real substance. However the apostle Paul seemed to take a different approach. In I Thessalonians 4:13-17 he explained to the believers that those who had placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and had since died were not lost and forgotten. They had not missed out on the promise that God had left them of eternal life and eternal bliss in heaven. He instructed them that when Jesus returned that those who had gone on before would come with him and that they and we who are alive at that time will be reunited and will be forever with the Lord.  Then in verse 18 he says “wherefore comfort one another with these words”. In a world of words I hope it will be every Christian’s desire that his words are rooted in the truth of the Word of God and profitable. This would seem to be a wise approach seeing that we must give account of even every idle word of which we speak. Remember let us be quick to hear and slow to speak  and profitable with our words. May we strive to have said of us as was said of Jesus “people marvelled at the graciousness of his words”.

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