Ephesians- Chapter 2- Lesson 5- Verses 16-22- Built Up Together

Verse 16
I) And that he might reconcile both unto God in on body.
A) “AND” continues the purpose already begun.  It really brings us to the main purpose.  Harmony among men is only a by-product of reconciliation with God.
1) Sin is the great divider, apart from sin there would be no arguments, no divorce, no war.
2) The destruction of sin destroys the enmity between God and man and man and man.
B) Jesus came to reconcile both, which means contrary to the Jews thoughts, they too were at odds with God.  The whole system of sacrifices should have made that clear and clued them that they were no better than the Gentiles.
C) Even the Abrahamic covenant hinted at this time saying, “in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed”.
D) Let us learn two lessons from this passage. First, though some may enjoy greater outward benefits than others, it does not mean that God loves them more.  Secondly, seeing that our outward benefits are not a sign of God’s greater love for us, let us be careful not to look down upon others as if they are greater sinners than ourselves.
II) He chose to reconcile us in one body
A) According to Hebrews 10: 5-14 this body was that of the Lord Jesus.
B) It was not only by one body, but in.  Romans 6: 1-6 tells us we are baptized into Jesus Christ, not just in his name, but positionally placed there.  Again refer back to the first chapter where we all told we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ.
C) The reconciliation is a completed process, Isaiah 53: 10-12 tells us that God against whom we have sinned, shall see the travail of his Son’s soul for our sins and accept the payment.  Verse 6 of Isaiah 53 says that God will lay on him the iniquity of us all.  All our sins were laid upon him, borne by him, and paid for by him.  Now we who trust him are placed in him upon whom all the wrath of God against sin has already been spent, therefore we cannot be charged again.
III) This was done by the cross.
A)  It was there that Jesus cried it is finished. What was finished?
B) The slaying of the enmity, which was sin.  Romans 8:7
Verse 17
And came and preached peace…
I) Luke 4: 16-22- This beautiful passage along with Luke 19: 10 (which many modern versions omit) tell us that Jesus came with a, and for the, purpose of reconciliation.  He knew he came to die, so he could say for this very purpose came I to this hour.
II) To them afar off and to them that were nigh, to Gentile and Jew.  2 Corinthians 5: 14 tells us that if one died for all it was because all had the same problem, this is stated in verse 3 when Paul says we all had our conversation I times past, dead in trespasses and sin.
Verse 18
For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
I) Through, speaks of one who secures the privilege of an interview with a sovereign for another.
II) Access to God is through Jesus.  John 14: 6
A) He is our only access 1 Timothy 2: 5; one mediator, the man Christ Jesus.
B) He is our confident access Hebrews 4: 14-16 and 10: 19-22.  Invited to come boldly.
III) By one Spirit unto the Father. The Son through his shed blood provided/ secured access to the Father. Now the Holy Spirit conducts us to our interview with the Father, sees us into the throne room. Romans 8: 26-27.  He (the Spirit) himself makes intercession for us.
IV) Not only are we greeted at the throne by our High Priest, but we are conducted into the throne room by the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.  At the throne, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost meet with the children of God.  How much confidence should this give us to ask what we will, that we may obtain grace to help in time of need.
Verse 19-20
I) Now therefore- as to say what follows is a natural outcome or conclusion drawn from what has been said.
A) First the negative, what we are no longer; strangers or foreigners.  Where at one time we were aliens, not conversant with or privileged to all the covenants and promises.
B) Now the positive; we are:
1)  fellowcitizens with the saints (those set apart to God)
2)  of the household of God. Not just servants, but family. John 1: 12.
3) Built upon the foundation…
II) Jesus Christ:
A) the foundation-  Matthew 16: 18; 1 Corinthians 3: 12
B) the cornerstone- Psalm 118: 22; Isaiah 28: 16; Matthew 21: 42; 1 Peter 2: 6-8.
Verse 21-22
In whom: (the foundation and cornerstone) two things are said to happen.
I) All the building. Remember in chapter 2 we are called God’s workmanship.
A) He is building a temple, the church, for His habitation. 1 Peter 2: 5.
B) In Him it is fitly framed, joined closely together.  Whereas we once were far apart, we are now children. Hebrews 2: 11.
C) In Him it grows both numerically and spiritually.
D) It grows unto a holy temple, speaking primarily of the inner sanctuary into which we are invited to come boldly. Thus we grow into His likeness that occupies the throne. In life we grow by study of the Word of God. See Chapter 4: 11-16; 1 Corinthians 13:12; 2 Corinthians 3:18 and James 1: 25; 1 John 3: 2-3.
II) Ye, both individually and corporately.
A) Are builded together- both Jew and Gentile.
B) For a habitation- God has a purpose for erecting this building, that it may be inhabited.  He himself will dwell there as in the Old Testament.
C) We are inhabited through the Spirit which indwells every believer at salvation. Corporately we meet to worship God Ephesians 3: 20-21.
III) This picture reminds us of the building of the Temple by Solomon.  The stones were cut and shaped outside the city so that no sound of the hammer was heard as the Temple was erected in the city of Jerusalem.  God in building his Church finishes the work on his saints during this earthly pilgrimage and then moves them to the Heavenly Jerusalem.



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