Looking Forward

It is now March of 2017, where has time gone?  I must admit it seems to pass at a pace that I cannot keep up with, I suppose that goes with getting older.  I am not dismayed however, nor am I dismayed over the state of the world in which I find myself.  A world filled with danger, hated by a supposedly tolerant people who seem to oppose everything that once was held sacred in this nation.  Rather I am looking forward.  Jesus says in Matthew 24 that when we see these things arising on the horizon that we are to look up for our redemption draws nigh.  I look forward to that day with fear and joy.  Fear for I know there is to be an accounting and joy for I know that eternity holds a life of blessedness beyond imagination.  Seeing then as Paul warns us that “the night is far spent”, may I encourage us to set our minds on things above and the task at hand.  God has accomplished some good things in the recent months, though he has not accomplished them in a way I would imagine.  So I bless the Lord for His goodness and look forward to the completion of what he has begun.  I know it will be beyond anything that I can conger up in my little brain.  So Keep praying, keep praising and keep looking ahead for truly heaven is closer than we imagine.

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