Where does the time go?

Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.  Psalm 100: 2

I looked to find that its been since April of 2019 since I’ve written anything new on this page.  It always amazes me how quickly the days slip by.  Since that time many things have happened in the life of our church and family; not all have been good, but none have changed our direction.  I find that even during the bad days I still find myself with a song in my heart.  God has been good to this backward little country boy and I have plenty to be thankful for and plenty of reasons to sing joyfully to my Lord.  I hope you find yourself in the same condition.  If not, try the words of the hymn writer, count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you just what all the Lord has done.  Until next post, keep singing a joyful song the our sweet Lord.

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